Introduction to concept and applications of NEST methodologies.

The concepts of education as we know them today were not meant of a modernized society driven by science and technology, but rather for an industrial era where jabs and social responsibilities a person had to perform consisted of the same repetitive task done over and over again for the rest of their career. Conventional education is therefore not adequate for a modernized society or any society that aims to become modernized for the sake of its citizens. NEST methodologies is a revolutionary form of education registered under United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that aim to dismantle, reinvent and revolutionize education in order to provide its students with the best possible mental tools to excel in the modern world.

Revolutionize teaching methods

Kofi Annan the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations once said “Knowledge is power, information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress in every society, in every country.” Every individual throughout history who dedicated his or her life to social development pointed towards education as one of the most important factors in forming a civilized society. But it is not uncommon knowledge that in most parts of the world educational systems are failing to provide students with the tools necessary to achieve their full potential in our highly competitive globalized society. Sustainable Development goal Action 12448 registered under the United Nations provides the concept of NEST methodologies of education. NEST stands for Nature Environment Science and Technology. These four pillars of this method of education bring a new dimension of learning to both the student and teacher.

NEST methodologies structure

Module 1: Introduction to NEST Methodologies

Module 2: Role of education in Nature and Environment

Module 3: Role of education in Science and Technology

Module 4: Personal and Leadership Development

Module 5: Conventional vs NEST methods of education

Module 6- A study of Schools with and without NEST Methodologies

Module 7 Practical guidelines for teachers to use NEST methodologies

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